Gear One Manufacturing LLC parts and products are intended for Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) use only. The seller assumes no liability whatsoever for installation errors, modifications made to the parts, or any consequences arising from their use. Additionally, the seller is not liable for any labor time or charges incurred in connection with the installation, removal, or use of its products.

  • All Sales: Final after 30 days.
  • Returns: Subject to inspection and a 10% restocking fee. A copy of the original invoice must accompany all returned items.
  • Custom Parts: Not eligible for return.

Gear One Manufacturing LLC reserves the right to refuse service or sale at its sole discretion.

Due to the nature of their intended use, Gear One Manufacturing LLC makes no warranties, express or implied, oral or written, regarding the performance, safety, compatibility, or durability of its products. Purchasers are solely responsible for determining the suitability of the products for their specific application.